My name is Leslie King and I am a Certified Thermographer. I have been working in healthcare for 24 years. Throughout the years I have always been interested in how we can help prevent chronic disease. Thermography can play a valuable part in monitoring health and changes over your life.
The images taken can provide healthcare professionals with unique findings that can work in conjunction with other tests that don’t show pain, dysfunction, or detect lesions before they are clinically evident. The method is non-invasive, no contact, provides no radiation, and is not painful.
The images we take are sent to MDs who have been trained in thermographic interpretation and certified by the medical board. A report is returned to the patient within a few days. This is a valuable tool to use in managing and maintaining good overall health.
Knoxville Thermography provides images for Full Body, Breast, and any ROI. Please check out our website for more information.